Wednesday, 26 February 2014

MyFitnessPal app

MyFitnessPal app (free)

This has got to be my favourite app ever. After a luxurious Christmas break sitting there for 2 weeks eating and watching Tv, I jump on the scales.... 16.5 STONES!!! Noooooooo! How depressing something needs to be done, decision made to control the calories and get a bit more active. The active part was covered by use of the Nike+ running app reviewed on the blog, and a colleague at work put me onto MyFitnessPal.
The app is really easy to use and set up. Initally you need to add your weight, height and age, and set yourself a target weight. The app then gives you an allowance of calories per day and a target percentage of protein, fat and carbohydrate.
The best thing about this app is how easy it is to add your food to the diary, simply point the camera at the barcode and its all done for you. If you dont have the barcode you can still search for the item which takes a little longer. All foods are then saved in a nice easy to read diary, regular foods can be saved for easy adding at later dates, and multiples foods can be saved as meals.
Regularly updating your weight gives you a handy progress check which can be listed or seen in graph form. 
Friends can also be added to this app, where you can recieve updates on their activities, such as exercise completed, or completion of the days calorie target, if they forget to use the app you can also send them messages of encouragement. Adding exercise activity to the also deducts the amounts of calories from the total giving you a pretty accurate daily amount.
Its free.
Its easy to use.
It great as a motivational tool for you and your friends.
It works!
I lost 4.5 stones in 7 months it really does work!

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